Spring Has Sprung: Advantage Fords Top 5 Tips for Spring Vehicle Maintenance
Calgary has been teasing us with some very nice weather this past month and we are beginning to get very excited about some possible spring vibes. After a long winter, some treacherous driving conditions, and minimal outdoor excursions, we are truly craving some springtime sunshine and weather. Weekend road trips, camping, and hiking are on the horizon but first, we have to get your vehicle ready for the road.
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Here are your semi-annual maintenance check-in and pro-tips on how to get your vehicle ready for spring 2020.
Tip #1: Keep up with the car washes
We know that getting your car washed can be a rather tedious task, especially at this slushy time of year. However, with the immense amount of salt and sand on our roads right now it is so important to be washing your vehicle regularly at this time of year. Salt is the number one cause of vehicle rust and long term salt exposure will cause some serious damage to your vehicle’s exterior. Wash your vehicle’s friends.
Tip #2: Check your tires
It may not be quite the time to change your tires from your winters to your summers just yet, but it is definitely time for a tire pressure check. Over the winter the cold air will condense and reduce the pressure in your tires- cue your tire pressure notification coming on every other day. Spring is the right time to double-check the pressure in all your tires. Your tires are your number one contact between you and the road, so their maintenance is what will keep you safe.
Tip #3: Change your oil and filter
Now, this is a general tip but it is a gentle reminder to ensure that your oil and filter maintenance is up to date. Oil and filter maintenance integral to keeping up the health of your vehicle.
Tip #4: Check your lights
Headlights, tail lights, brake lights, all the lights- check them! This is a two-person job but it only takes a couple of minutes. Did you know that you can get a ticket from the police for burnt-out lights? Taking the time a few times a year to double-check your lights is a great maintenance habit and will save you an unnecessary ticket.
Tip #5: Check your brakes
Having a mechanic check your vehicle’s brakes, including the pads and rotors, is a great spring maintenance tip. Over the winter the treacherous conditions can do some serious damage to the braking system in your vehicle. By making sure your brakes are in great shape for the spring, you will be ensuring that your vehicle, its drivers, passengers, and pedestrians are all in the safest condition possible.